JAR was founded in 2007 in Western Belarus. Jar has recorded 3 full-length albums so far. The new album “ZVAROT “(”Treatment” in English) has a specific concept: a Description of the human path from birth to death. The song “Vandruju na paûnoc” (“Walking to the North”) describes the dawn of life, the first conscious steps of man, this symbolism is reflecting the authentic culture. It is a hymn to the North as a metaphysical phenomenon, a complex that includes the traditions, beliefs, and worldview of the people who live in Northern Europe. The song “ Nie adkaža, nie daruje, zastajecca maûсaс…” (“Will not answer, will not forgive, remains silent…”) – this is the way of an adult, obstacles in the way, the risks of death, and death itself as an inevitability are represented through of the river (in this case, the river Neman, which we call “Father Neman”). Instrumental track “Na tryznu z bahami…” (“To feast with the Gods”) is a continuation of the second song. “Zvarot” (“Treatment”) is the name of the deceased man, who refers to his woman, is asking and giving her life-instructions. It reveals the theme of loyalty, devotion and love, filled with images and rituals of the Slavic and Baltic peoples.”
Highly recomended for fans of early KRODA, VELIMOR, SVARGA

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